Crime Stats for 02 May 2022- 09 May 2022
Monday 02 May 2022
11h39 - Madeira road reported fighting taking place in the street
- Armed response dispatched
- On arrival reported fighting outside Donegal Street
- Armed response reported this is a domestic dispute and requested SAPS
- SAPS arrived shortly afterwards, handed over the SAPS on arrival
Tuesday 03 May 2022
07h29 Daisy Street reported to Control there are 2 bravo males walking up and down in Kettley way Estoril when they left for work Bravo males were sitting on the pavement
- Armed response dispatched
- On arrival 2 vagrants were scratching into the bins looking for tins.
- Armed response spoke to the vagrants who then left towards Koeberg Road
19h27 - While on patrol the Patrol Vehicle confirmed a Silver Toyota CA 153470 blocking a driveway to one of the clubs in Donegal Street
- The patrol vehicle requested the driver to remove their vehicle, the driver then started getting abusive with Patrol driver
- Armed Response dispatched
- After a few minutes the driver removed his vehicle
- Armed Response was cancelled AIO
21h37 – Donegal Street reported reported a white VW Chico and White Renault window smashed.
- Armed response dispatched for follow-up
- Armed response reported 2 vehicles windows were reportedly smashed
- No glass was found on the ground at the time of the follow-up
- No items were reported stolen from both vehicles
- Armed response reported both small back windows were smashed on both vehicles
23h36 – Patrol vehicle reported Madeira Street requested assistance with people in their driveway threatening people in the road.
- Patrol vehicle stood off and after a few minutes all parties left
Wednesday 04 May 2022
20h07 - Elizabeth Roos reported a women causing a disturbance in the street
- Armed response dispatched
- On arrival did not find anyone in the immediate vicinity. Extra patrols were done.
Thursday 05 May 2022
19h30 - Patrol vehicle reported while on patrol he was stopped by a member of the public reporting overhead cables by Madeira Park were stolen.
02h05 – Madeira Street request a patrol for a Mercedes Benz parked in front of the premises
- Patrol vehicle responded
- Patrol vehicle reports no vehicle with that description was seen in Donegal or Madeira Street and was reportedly AIO
03:10 Mill street request a response for a glass breaking sound here in the vicinity
- On arrival Armed response found glass lying on the road in Van Riebeek Street but no vehicles near to the glass
- Dayshift also followed up with neighbours and no one was aware of the glass or how it ended up in the street
Friday 06 May 2022
15h02 – Justin Street reported robbery in the road
- Armed response was dispatched
- On arrival reported aio no robbery taking place
- Armed response further reported that a member of the public had assisted the lady and also got her things back from the person who was trying to rob her. The suspect was gone on arrival of the armed response
Saturday 07 May 2022
17h35 – Control noted on one of the community cameras in Da Gama street that there is groups of Bravo males standing in groups seemingly drinking alcohol in the middle of the Street by the fence of the church
• Armed response dispatched
• Armed response on arrival requested SAPS
• Maitland Saps was contacted spoke to Cost Ntloco who confirmed they will send out a vehicle
• A C3 was also logged Ref - 911267721 .
• SAPS did not arrive
• 18:50 – bravo males left the area and all vehicles etc AIO
21H36 - Client of 3 Kettley Way Estoril reported noise emminating from the Lazy Palm at 379 Koeberg Road and that no one can sleep.
- Armed response dispatched
- On arrival reported that the noise was from people having a party at one of the flats. Armed response asked them to turn down the music which they did AIO
Sunday 08 May 2022
18h33 – Patrol vehicle reported while on patrol in Donegal Street, he was stopped by a member of the public informing him of people trying to steal cables outside on the pavement
- Patrol vehicle found the area that the attempt to steal the cable was made and closed the area up. Further patrols were done in the area
22h55 – Control reported a suspicious Bravo male walking in Da Gama Street, looking into vehicles and properties. (Bravo male, orange T-Shirt
- Armed Response was dispatched
- On Arrival armed response reported found the `suspect`. It was a member of the public walking his dog. AAIO
Knightowl Security
‘ Always Watchful’