Report for Week 4 of March 2022

Crime report 21 March - 28 March 2022

21 march 2022 – Monday

14h07 – Patrol vehicle reported illegal dumping and informal structures at the back of Dreyer and Kettley Streets, on the open field. A C3 was logged Ref 9112431308 .

22March 2022 –Tuesday 

16h14 – Patrol vehicle reported a member of the public stopped him in Linnet Street, reporting guys burning something on the railway line

  • Patrol vehicle went out and spoke to the guys who put the fire out and left the area. They were burning wood and rubbish it did not appear to be cabling

22h10 – Justin street requested armed response for a patrol for a suspicious vehicle

  • Patrol vehicle dispatched
  • Patrol vehicle reported could not find any suspicious vehicles on arrival. Further patrols were conducted in the area

23 March 2022 - Wednesday

09H03 – Ryk street reported 2 big dogs running around the area and in the street. One brown dog and one black dog, near to Mosque. 

  • Patrol vehicle was dispatched
  • Patrol vehicle reported on arrival found the dogs in Da Gama Street
  • Unknown where they were from or where they were going
  • This was reported to the SPCA for further follow-up

12H59 – Patrol vehicle reported illegal structures still set up on the open field behind Dreyer and Kettley Way, set up against the wall 

  • C3 was logged for Kettley street Ref – 9112444581.

14h13 – Patrol vehicle also reported illegal squatting at the back of Kettley street further along on the open field against the wall Ref – 9112444716 .

20h02 – Ryk street reported between 23:30 – 01:30. The new McDonalds site where building is taking place, entry was gained and copper pipes and aircon units were stolen

  • Patrol vehicle was instructed to do extra patrols but theft could not be verified

20h27 – Donegal street reported high traffic (lots of people and vehicles) in Donegal Street

  • Armed response was dispatched
  • On arrival found a few people walking their dogs, all seemed quiet and in order on arrival

21h44 – Dreyer street requested a patrol for vagrants making fire on the field behind Dreyer Street

  • Armed response dispatched
  • On arrival found vagrants making a fire to cook food. The fire was extinguished on arrival of the armed response C3 was also logged REF – 9112446945 (informal structures)

24 March 2022 –Thursday 

00h49 – Madeira street reported a suspicious person sitting on the wall and requested assistance 

  • Armed response was dispatched
  • On arrival armed response reported 2 people walking in the street
  • All was found to be in order on arrival of the officer

19h32 – Dreyer requested a response for vagrants chopping wood to make fire

  • Armed response was dispatched
  • On arrival found the vagrants and asked them to leave, they refused and continued to chop wood. A C3 was logged REF 9112453153
  • After a few minutes they conceded and left

21h45 – Daisy Circle requested a response for a possible domestic dispute in Kettley Way

  • Armed response dispatched
  • On arrival requested the SAPS for a female that was assaulted and also a vehicle had been damaged. Milnerton SAPS were contacted. STG Duma
  • Armed response reported that SAPS did not arrive and the complainant was referred to SAPS Milnerton to follow-up themselves. No medical attention was requested. 

22h54 – Ryk street requested armed response for the sound of hammering and suspected a housebreaking 

  • Armed response dispatched 
  • On arrival a patrol was conducted in the area and Street. No noises were heard. Further patrols were done in the area

25 March 2022 – Friday 

20h26 - Da Gama street reported vagrants are sleeping against the wall on the open field Kings and Fenwick Streets. Dogs continually barking.

  • Armed response dispatched
  • Armed response reported on arrival found an old vagrant sleeping against the wall. Vagrant left on request of the armed response officer, no further enforcement was needed 

26 March 2022-Saturday 

03h45 – Patrol vehicle reported a burst pipe in Kettley Road. Logged a C3 REF – 9112460607. Many litres of water wasted.

20h10 -Plover street reported seeing a new blanket by their window and was unsure if anyone was sleeping on the property 

  • Armed response dispatched 
  • Armed response reported on arrival found the blanket but no sign of the trespasser. Further patrols were conducted in the area and referred to the Control Room for additional patrols

20H39 – Donegal Street reported foot traffic in dead end cul-de-sac outside leading to the field

  • Armed response dispatched
  • Armed response reported more vagrants setting up on the field behind Donegal and Kettley Streets. They have already erected structures
  • Another C3 was logged REF- 9112462155 .

27 March 2022- Sunday 

02h28 – Madeira Street reported a young male walking around and looking into houses and onto properties. The vagrant would stand outside and shout to try and get the home owners attention. Dogs barking and this causes a disturbance 

  • Armed response dispatched
  • On arrival Armed response reported that no young vagrant was seen or found. Further patrols were conducted in the area.

20H45 -  Da Gama Street requested a response for a Charlie male going from door to door begging and shouting at resident’s gates. One was walking near to Glennifer and the other one near to Minnow Street.  

  • Armed response dispatched
  • On arrival the officer reported spoke to the persons and they removed themselves. Further patrols were still conducted in the nearby vicinity and the suspects did not appear to have gained entry to any properties 

Eyes to watch over and shield to protect

`Always Watchful`

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