Weekly Crime Report - 14 August to 20 August 2023
Monday 14 August 2023
19h08 – A Kettley Way resident requested assistance for a suspicious vehicle parked in front of their house. A Black Honda. Alpha 2 responded and found nothing suspicious and also the vehicle was not illegally parked. Control contacted SAPS to do a vehicle check. The resident was also notified with feedback.
Tuesday 15 August 2023
07h15 – A ER Syfrets resident requested assistance for a homeless guy sleeping in front of her premises.
- Armed response dispatched
- Armed Response arrived and managed to remove the guy from the premises.
Wednesday 16 August 2023
23h41 – 35 Kiln reports she caught someone on her property trying to remove the solar panel. She said she confront the suspect, felt sorry for him and gave him something to eat. She is now worried she did the wrong thing and that he might come back. B1 asked to do patrol and confirm AIO.
Thursday 17 August 2023
13h09 – Armed Response reported they were in pursuit of a suspect who is accused of robbing someone in the street.
- Armed Response confirmed suspect in custody waiting outside the fire station. Saps are needed.
- Saps contacted, spoke to dispatch REF-1214507
- Armed Response reported SAPS has not arrived and the witnesses have left so they had no choice but the release the suspect as he has no evidence.
Friday 18 August 2023
19h10 – A Brooklyn Resident requested Armed Response to do a patrol at a business in Brooklyn. 2 Suspicious males where seen on the premises
- Armed Response dispatched
- Armed Response reported that he made contact with the resident who says it’s a guy waiting for the lights to be put on so he can practice soccer.
- Armed Response resumed normal duties
Saturday 19 August 2023
04h17 – A Santos street resident requested a patrol/assistance for a guy jumping in and out of peoples premises.
- Armed Response dispatched.
- On Arrival Armed Response officers did a premises check and also patrolled the area and confirmed nothing or anyone suspicious seen.
19h48 - A client informed control room via WhatsApp about an accident that occurred opposite a Brooklyn Tavern.
- Armed Response dispatched to investigate
- Armed Response reported a shooting had taken place in Luanda Street where a polo and a taxi had also collided. Pictures were sent by Armed Response but officers were unable to get any further information as they were told by fire services it was a crime scene.
- Armed Response resumed normal duties
Sunday 20 August 2023
05h42 – A Festival and Avondrus Street resident both reported two males were seen on bicycles by the silver car a Toyota Yaris that has been parked in the street
- Armed Response dispatched
- The two suspects proceeded then to open the vehicle through a broken back window. They were seen scratching in the car and then taking something out but it was not clear what was removed
- On arrival Armed Response spotted the 2 suspects trying to get away through the park. Armed Response tried to cut the off on the other side of the park they and managed to get away.
- Armed Response will canvas the area while on patrol
12h00 – A Brooklyn resident reported a male was seen by the vehicle in Festival Street
- Armed Response dispatched
- Armed Response found it was the owner who says the vehicle was parked there because it was broken down.
- The owner who came and removed the vehicle
- Law enforcement was contacted and given an update REF-1001723535.